Share Your Encounter

We want you to feel safe in sharing your Bigfoot encounter and/or experience with us. To do so, we will not share your personal information with anyone (email address, home address and/or specific location, full name, etc).

Sharing your experience with us is easy. All you have to do is email us your experience to While you may submit your story in any format you want, the following is what we recommend in order to help our readers gain your full experience:

When did the encounter happen: (Month/Year);
Where did the encounter happen: (Country, State, City);
Details of experience (Be as specific as you can be): Include photos and/or videos of the encounter, if available.

Please note: We reserve the right to publish or not publish your encounter. One of the reasons we will not publish your encounter is that it is not a first-person experience. The experience or encounter with Bigfoot must be your own and not simply an experience you have heard about.
We also reserve the right to make minor edits to your email to help the readability of your experience (correct spelling and/or grammatical errors, capitalization errors and the like). We will not, however, embellish the experience or delete part of it.

Also, by sharing your experience with us, you give permission to publish your story on our website and/or use the experience or encounter on our YouTube channel or other outlet. Further, you give us permission to use any photos and/or videos you submit to us on our website and/or YouTube channel or other social sharing site like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
If you would like to share your Bigfoot encounter and/or experience with us, simply email it to:

Thanks for sharing.